Repost: Membership Officer Election

The full executive board of Local 3652 has seven members. However the membership officer position is currently vacant. Therefore the board currently has six members.  At the executive board meeting January 8, 2025 we had two candidates which each received three votes from the board members. So there was a tie. 

Therefore this is to notify you that the Membership Officer position is still vacant. The position will be filled as per the constitution in a vote by the Executive Board at the Board meeting scheduled for February 12, 2025.  

            Union Local 3652 members in good standing for at least one (1) year are welcome to participate in this election. They can nominate themselves or any qualified member who is interested. However, only Executive Board members will be voting. 

            If you wish to nominate yourself or someone, please email to

 [email protected] the following candidate information no later than

 Sunday, February 9, 2025. 


  1. Full name
  2. Cell phone
  3. Home email
  4. Home address
  5. Work location
  6. Work telephone
  7. Job title

Should you have any question regarding this election, you may contact the Union office at 646-252-2354 or 718-309-3382.

In Solidarity,

Executive Board, Local 3652